
The rules are simple. Players fling the golf ball along the course and putt with the face of the FlingStick™. FlingGolf™ also appeals to everyone as it's so easy to learn and grow with the sport. 

Quick Start Rules

  • Scoring: Count your flings from tee to hole.
  • Tee Shots: Fling the ball from behind the tee marker. You may always take steps while flinging the ball.
  • Further Shots: Mark your ball where it lies and fling your ball from behind the mark.
  • On the Green: Once your ball is on the green, you place your feet, and with the ball in the putting notch on the side of the FlingStick™ head, you push the ball toward the hole. You may not move your feet while pushing. You may also mark the ball, place it in the FlingStick™ channel, and roll it toward the hole.

Click here to view the full rule card.