Climbing Wall

Challenge your friends to see who can reach the top first at the Family Adventure Park's Climbing Wall with 16', 24', and 30' climbs. All climbers are strapped into a harness attached to a tension rigged cable/pulley system, so if you should lose your grip, you will be delivered softly down to the ground. Up to two people at a time can make the ascent.

*Availability subject to change. Operation is weather dependent.

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  • Participants must weigh between 50-250 pounds, no exceptions and will be asked to weigh in to ensure they are within designated weight range.
  • Family Adventure Park participants are required to fill out a release form. Parent / Guardian signatures are required for guests under 18. Save time and complete your waiver before you arrive by clicking here.
  • Closed toed shoes are required.

Kid Approved Quick Stats

Rules and Regulations
  • All participants will fill out and sign a waiver, which includes age information. Minors must have a parent or guardian sign for them. For your convenience, you may print the release form here.
  • Weight range: 50 - 250 pounds.
  • Participants will be asked to weigh in to insure they are within designated weight range.
  • Closed toe shoes required.
  • For safetey reasons, we require that you wear hiking boots or sneakers.
  • Please wear clothing that you don't mind getting dirty.
  • No rings, necklace, or bracelets. All jewelry is discouraged.
  • No skirts or loose clothing.
  • Shorts mid-thigh or longer or long pants are encouraged.
Health Requirements
  • People with heart, leg, back, or shoulder problems, diabetes, siezure disorders, or other serious illnesses should not particpate.
  • Pregnant women may not participate.