Summer Tubing

This popular wintertime activity transforms into a summertime version that is just as thrilling! Our Summer Tubing area features two lanes that are 600’ in length and offer a drop of 120 vertical feet. To make it even easier, our conveyor lift will bring you and your tube comfortably and quickly back up the hill so you can do it again and again.
*Availability subject to change. Operation is weather dependent.

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  • 36" minimum height requirement.
  • Family Adventure Park participants are required to fill out a release form. Parent / Guardian signatures are required for guests under 18. Save time and complete your waiver before you arrive by clicking here.
  • Sandals or flip-flops are not recommended for tubing.

Kid Approved Quick Stats

  • 36" minimum height requirement.
  • Adult participant is required for children 10 & under.
  • Sandals or flip-flops are not recommended for tubing.
  • Please wear clothing that you don't mind getting dirty.
  • Sandals or flip-flops are not recommended for tubing.